Thursday, July 11, 2013

Maine Coast Fishing Dock

Maine Coast Fishing Dock, 20"x20", Acrylic on Canvas, $1200
I saw this fishing dock in a small town on the coast of Maine.  It is very similar to thousands of others up and down the coast.  I like all the clutter on them. I simplified the stuff on this one to make it work compositionally.

Note: To purchase this painting, please e-mail me at

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sun and Shadow

Sun and Shadow, 11"x14", Acrylic on Canvas, $600

This barn is in a nearby town.  I was really taken by all the roofs going in different directions, with the sun shining directly on some of them but not on others.  Unfortunately, the barn was a uniform weathered gray, which radically diminished the impact of the roofs.  So, I used my artistic license to turn the barn red.  Ah! Much better. 

Note: This painting is currently on display in the Art Barn at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, VT.  To purchase this painting, call the Museum Store (802 895-3346 ext. 3144) or e-mail

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Goat Barn

The Goat Barn, 9"x12", Acrylic on Canvas, $425
I really liked this old building sitting in the shadow of the much larger barns and silos around it.  Although probably a cow dairy for many years, the farm is now home to a herd of milking goats. This building is unused, although it shows the beginning signs of repairs.

Note: This painting is currently on display in the Art Barn at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, VT.  It can be purchased by calling the Museum Store (802-895-3346 ext. 3144) or by e-mailing

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Weathered Barns

Weathered Barns, 11"x14", Acrylic on Canvas, $600
This is the second in my new barns series.  This set of barns is in Fairfax, a small town about 10 miles away.  I was drawn to the variety of blues and purples that I saw in the weathered wood.  I underpainted the entire canvas with magenta to give it a unifying purple boost.  After I got about half way through the painting, I realized I needed to move some walls and change some trim paint, so the barns no longer completely reflect "what was there".

Note: This painting is currently on display in the Art Barn at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, VT.  It can be purchased by calling the Museum Store (802) 895-3346 ext. 3144) or by e-mailing

Monday, July 1, 2013

Barns - Old and New

Barns-Old and New, 12"x12", Acrylic on Canvas, $600
This painting is the first in what has turned out to be a series of barns.  I choose a portion of the barn or group of barns and outbuildings that look interesting.  This barn is down the road from my house.  I really liked the juxtaposition of the old weathered wood and sawdust silo with the newer metal storage sheds.

Note:  This painting is currently on display in the Art Barn at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, VT.  It can be purchased by contacting the Museum Store (802-985-3346, ext. 3144) or e-mailing