Sunday, August 18, 2013


Sunflower, Acrylic on Gessoboard, 6"x6", $195
This is one of the sunflowers that grew in my vegetable garden this year.  Every winter, the birds drop seeds all over. In the spring they get tilled into the garden and subsequently come up amid the vegetables.  I like to leave some of them if they are not in the way.  They add wonderful splashes of color among the orderly rows of produce.

I used Julie Oliver's fracturing technique on this painting. I love the textures and broken edges that using a squeegee introduces to the painting's surface.

Note:  To purchase this painting, click here. To see more of my work, please see my Daily Paintworks Gallery (icon at right) or my web site (

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Blueberry Twig

Blueberry Twig, Acrylic on Gessoboard, 6"x6", $100
July and August are blueberry season in Vermont.  This is turning out to be a good year for them - lots of really big, super sweet berries.  This small branch of berries was on one of our bushes - past tense; we ate them!

Note: To purchase this painting, please go to my Daily Paintworks Gallery (icon at right).

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moulin Rouge Sunflower

Moulin Rouge Sunflower, Acrylic on Gessoboard, 6"x6", $100
This painting totally says summer.  Moulin Rouge is my favorite variety of sunflower just ahead of the big yellow ones with the brown centers, and the really shaggy Sole d'Oro sunflowers.  I grow a big row of the Moulin Rouge sunflowers in my vegetable garden each year - I'm more likely to pick them for the house when they are in a row by the corn than when they're in the flower beds. As a bonus, I leave a lot of the volunteers that show up, so I end up with a great supply for cutting and painting and feeding the birds.

Note: To purchase, please go to my Daily Paintworks Gallery (icon at right.)

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunset Reflections

Sunset Reflection, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 9"x10", $100
Although not intentional, I found that I fell back into my old work habit of taking July off this year. And the break was great. I rode my bicycle, worked in my flower and vegetable gardens, and just generally relaxed.  I am now back at my easel with new energy. 

I thought I would start back with an older painting that fits the summer weather and spirit. This painting resulted from an experiment in the use of lines and broken color. I liked the energy and liveliness of it.

Note: To purchase, please go to my Daily Paintworks Gallery (icon at right.)