Orange on the Windowsill, Acrylic on Gessoboard, 6"x6", $195 |
February was a tough month. Just as I was finishing up the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge, I came down with Shingles - ugh! I am happy to report that other than a little numbness and itching, I am over them now.
So as a warmup after a month away from my easel, I decided to redo the "Abstract Orange" painting I did during the challenge that I thought could be better.
I brightened up the window with light greens and yellows. Then I made some adjustments to the highlighted part of the orange. Finally, I strengthened the sill and background (on the left) colors to give the environment some solidity while toning down the competition between those colors and the orange. I like this painting a lot better now.
To purchase this painting, please
click here (you will be transported to the "Small Works and Studies" page on my website.)