Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Overgrown, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 10"x9", $100 (unframed)

This is another in my series of landscape paintings.  I am still exploring the use of texture and broken color.  This photo didn't capture the lightness of the foreground as well as I hoped it would. Nevertheless, I think I'm making progress.  This landscape is looser than previous pieces and has more of a sense of place.

To purchase this painting, please click here.  You will be transported to the Small Works page on my web site.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Spring Planting-Study

Spring Planting-Study, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 10"x9", $100 (unframed)
Another experiment.  I am fascinated by paintings that capture the textures and colors of newly planted fields.  I've been wanting to try one.  This is a small painting which limits the amount of variation that is possible. Nevertheless, I'm pleased with the result.  I'll definitely have to try a larger one at some point.

To purchase this painting, please click here.  You will be transported to the Small Works page on my website.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Summer Rain - Study

Summer Rain-Study, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 10"x9", $100 (unframed)
This painting is a quick study using painting knives and a rubber squeegee (Julie Ford Oliver's fracturing technique).  I have been working on landscapes and how I want them to look - paint texture, color choices, degree of abstraction, etc.

To purchase this painting, please click here.  You will be transported to the Small Works page on my web site.

Friday, June 6, 2014


Listening, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 9"x10", $100 (unframed)
As I was casting about for something to paint, I remembered a piece I did a couple of years ago with a person talking on the phone (I have included it below). When I went back through my photos, I found another individual that I had captured walking and talking and thought she might make a good subject.  So here she is. 

I'm still experimenting with technique as well as subject matter.  I this painting I rendered the young woman fairly realistically while using an abstract approach to the background.  I think it worked pretty well.

To purchase this painting, please click here.  You will be transported to the Small Works page on my web site.

No Bull, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 7"x5", NFS

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lunch Hour

Lunch Hour, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 9"x10", $350 unframed
I had so much fun making the last umbrella painting that I decided to do another.  This one includes a bunch of umbrellas.  The main shopping street in Burlington (Church Street) has clusters of umbrellas outside of many of the eateries.  I am planning on playing with more groups of umbrellas in different colors and at different times of day.

To purchase this painting, please click here.  You will be transported to the Small Works page on my website.