Thursday, November 20, 2014

Clearing Skies

Clearing Skies, Acrylic on Canvas, 16"x20", $900
There was some serious experimentation going on here.  I wanted to create a landscape in which the foreground, although large in area, was largely abstracted and darker than the middle and backgrounds.  In order to get the mood right and to get enough interest in the middle and backgrounds (if you lead them there, is there something for them to find?), I did quite a lot of compositional work as I went along.  All in all, I am quite pleased with the results.  In the actual painting, the purples in the foreground are a bit more muted; in fact, they blend in quite well.  Other than that, this photo captures the feeling of sunlight I got and which was one of the goals.

To purchase this painting, please click here. You will be transported to my website which is set up to handle on-line transactions.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Queen Anne's Lace

Queen Anne's Lace, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 14"x15", $200
Ahhh.  Much better.  It's amazing how much I can miss when I am painting.  After I finished painting the other day, I looked at this painting and immediately saw what was wrong and had a pretty good idea of how to fix it.  So here is the revised version.  I was looking for a largely abstract, loose feel that would capture the sense of wildness and randomness of a field of wildflowers.  This feels right.

To purchase this painting, please click here.  You will be transported to my website which is set up to handle sales.  Also, I have decided to use "sneak preview" pricing for my blog posts.  That means the price for a painting hot off the easel will be lower for a week or two after posting. After that it will go up to the gallery price.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Queen Anne's Lace

Queen Anne's Lace, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 14"x15", NFS
Wild flowers in a field.  Here in Vermont, they are just a fond memory now.  The frost has pretty much killed off the wild flowers for this year.  In this whimsical study I wanted to explore the use of abstract color and lines to create the feeling of a field.  I think I got that.  I will probably go back in and make a few changes, so it's not for sale for now.