Saturday, January 25, 2014

Light-Struck Orange

Light-Struck Orange, Acrylic on Gessoboard, 6"x6", $195
Day 25 of the 30 in 30 Challenge.  After playing with the orange-green-blue combination for a few days, I wanted to see what would happen if I placed the beautiful oranges against a warm neutral background.  So this time I used all shades of brown and tan to create the light-dark pattern.  I added pale yellow to the light struck area (it doesn't come through very well in this photo, although it is pale) to make it feel sunny and I let the shadow side of the orange disappear into the browns of the background.  As with the other orange paintings, I restricted myself to a yellow, an orange, a red, and a blue plus white and (int his case) buff.  The blue here is ultramarine blue rather than the phthalo blue I used in the other orange paintings.

To purchase this painting, click here.


Artbymarion said...

What a great idea to base a series on something so simple as an orange, they have all come out as very individual paintings. I like your style very much.

Anna Vreman said...

Thank you Marion. Sometimes I learn more if I don't try to complicate things too much.