Monday, May 13, 2019

Copper Block

Copper Block, Acrylic and collage on Watercolor Paper, 8"x8"

Open Studio Weekend - May 25 and 26

Open Studio Weekend is just around the corner. This year I will be setting up at Theresa Somerset's studio in Essex Junction, VT. She does amazing egg art using techniques and designs that she has developed as well as the traditional Pysanky designs. Please check out her website at I will be exhibiting still life works created using painting knives, abstract art, and portraiture.

Joan Fullerton Workshop

I  recently attended a one-week workshop with Joan Fullerton in North Carolina. She taught us the basics of her intuitive method for creating abstract works with or without a representational component. After showing us a bunch of different techniques for creating textures, shapes, and lines, we made a bunch of large and small paintings over five days.

This painting is one of a trio that were made with a common palette and materials - the intention was to make a group of paintings that would go together.  

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