Sunday, May 19, 2019

Golden Textures

Golden Textures, Acrylic on Watercolor Paper, 22"x22"

More Wild and Crazy Textures

This is another painting created during Joan Fullerton's workshop. Using the same palette as the last piece, I added paste and stamping to create some raised areas that were then painted to create additional texture.  In this painting you can clearly see the variety of mark making that we engaged in - we used hard brayers, pencils, oil pastels, plastic cards, stencils, the cut off ends of paper towels rolls, and sticks from outdoors.

During the class, it was interesting to see how each of us divided our spaces, something that seemed to be instinctual for most of us and that differed by personality. My paintings all developed some kind of rectangular grid system; each painting was divided into boxes of various sizes. Other artists in the class had more organic, rounded areas, or didn't divide up their space at all.

Open Studio Weekend - May 25 and 26

Join me at Theresa Somerset's Precision Studio in Essex Junction, VT for Open Studio Weekend. I will have all of my latest work, including some works from my latest workshops. Plus, you get to see all of Theresa's gorgeous egg art - truly amazing! You can check out some of her work on her website:

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