Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day 3 - The View Out The Window

The View Out the Window, Acrylic on Gessoboard, 6"x6", $50
Day 3 of the 30 Day Challenge! 

I've been fascinated with grid, cruciform and strata compositions for some time and I've avoided them like the plague. Why? Because I had no idea how to make such linear compositions work. And I figured my engineering training would intrude and amplify the potential for rigidity and dullness, so better to stay away.

Well today I decided to challenge myself to tackle these compositional forms. This painting uses a grid pattern. I chose to amplify the lines and wound up with a stained glass effect. I plan to spend some time messing with different ways to use these compositional structures. When done well, they create some really interesting paintings.

To Purchase: If you would like to purchase this painting, please click here. You will find yourself on the January 2016 30 Day Challenge page on my web site which is set up to handle electronic transactions.

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